August 12, 2009

Complicated Entrepreneur's Life

It's almost 5 days of insufficient sleep for me.

There are times that I just want to break down and cry the stress 'til my eyes shout that there's no more tears to flow. Haha. What a silly thought? As if that would happen (when did the eyes learn how to shout? that's creepy).

I had 7 shirt orders last Monday, then I went to Divisoria with my mom to deal with the suppliers. When I got back to my shop, I started doing the layouts for the orders (since all of those will be picked-up on Friday). I finished the entire stuff before office hours end (still have to close the shop by 6pm). Kudos to me for doing the layout a bit faster than the usual. Haha!

When I got home (that's 20 minutes tricycle ride from the shop), my childhood friend, Leis told me that she'll be ordering some shirts for Friday pick up too (so, this is a rush work). Thank God she already have a layout for the shirt. Whew!

However, inquiries come in any time... Phones ringing at no definite time and I have to text every now and then just to cater to the inquiries. Happy thing, though. But sometimes, it scares me a lot having my numbers, email add and some other personal info in the web. I have the "stalker trauma".

I just wish they contact me for business only and not to know the real deal with me and this OPM Band. Haha. Nuff. Too much had been said.

*Closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Shoot. It's already 2AM!*